"PRIMUS researcher still missing!" Monday's Chronicle headline proclaims from Matthew's kitchen counter. A lower heading states, "$2 million in super tech still unaccounted for." 

"Hiya, Matt," Mark Burton says, plopping his angular body down on a kitchen chair -- a now rare morning appearance, since he'd started seeing Sarah regularly. "What's for breakfast?" he asks, seemingly unaware of the cinnamon roll he has clutched in his left hand. Outside, rain drums against the windows, and occasional gusts of wind buffet the building. Even though it's almost nine in the morning, the clouds and fog make it look like dusk.

"Aren't you due at the museum shortly?" Matthew asks. 

Mark waves his hand, and, after taking a bite of the cinnamon roll says, "Cassie Salvatore went to a funeral today and won't be back in the office until late in the afternoon, so I told her I'd wait around till then. It's not like they've been giving her too much new work, anyway. But I just wanted to drop by and see how things are going with you. Anything interesting?" 

Matthew thinks back over the past few weeks. There had been little but interesting doings, really. As Dragon Fist he'd become increasingly busy, for whatever the mysterious new street drug was, addiction to it had spread like wild fire in the city and especially in Chinatown. He'd become all too familiar with the symptoms of its use: the red irises, increased strength and agility and irrational behavior. Sunday's Chronicle-Examiner claimed that over thirty people had died because of complications related to their use of "Red Dragon," as the drug had come to be called. However, while the pharmacological mechanism remained a mystery, there were now rumors which stated that it was a Cyberline derivative. (PRIMUS had, of course, denied those rumors, though "unofficial sources" within the agency had claimed the drug's lingering side effects paranoia, muscle aches, temporary blindness and nausea -- were identical to those of Cyberline intolerance syndrome.) 

And now this morning's 3:26 am tip, from a scared member of his church whose son was addicted to Red Dragon: a shipment of the drug would be arriving sometime tonight. The drop off would be at the shut-down Naval Air Station on Alameda, he told Dragon Fist hurriedly, before bowing and retreating down the dark alley. 

"Oh, Grandfather is nagging me again about still being single." Matthew grins at his friend. "You know how he can be..." Never obtrusive, Matthew's grandfather waged a constant campaign to see his favorite grandson safely married. Matthew took the subtle comments with equanimity.

Mark smiles back, chuckling slightly. "So... does he have any reason to think you soon might not be?"

Matthew gives his friend a searching look, then shakes his head. Isn't this supposed to be the other way around? he thinks. "No," he replies. "Not right now, I'm a bit busy to be getting seriously involved with anyone. When I do, I'd like to be able to devote more attention to them than I could at the moment." 

Matthew notes the dreamy look that sweeps over his friend's face. The slightest thought of Sarah will send the normally down-to-earth Mark off into the clouds. At least he's happy, thinks Matthew, Even if he sometimes forgets to tie his shoes.

"Care for a cinnamon roll?" asks Matthew as he puts a bowl into the microwave.

"Yeah, thanks," replies Mark, somewhat absentmindedly. The bemused grad student takes a bite out of the pastry he held as his friend heated up his own breakfast. "What're you having?"

"Chicken pot-pie."

"What? For breakfast?" 

Matthew nods. 

"Hm?" Mark muses, "Actually that sounds pretty good... weird, but good."

Matthew takes the reheated meal out of the microwave, spooning it into two bowls. One of these finds it way in front of Mark, who begins eating it as he scans the paper.

"Hm... PRIMUS better get its act together. There's no telling what someone like VIPER might get out of this guy." He points to the story on the missing researcher. "I'd hate to see a new and improved version of that machine they hit the museum with."

"What's it say?"

"Well, the new theory is that Knightblade and VIPER were working together but the deal went sour, since according to an 'anonymous source' within PRIMUS, some of the mech's weaponry couldn't have been built without those missing parts. Also," Mark says, swallowing a bite of pot pie, "Several million dollars were found in Knightblade's bank account - large deposits had been made months previous to the attack." 

Hm.... thinks Matthew. A missing researcher at the same time that "Red Dragon" makes it big on the streets? It's too close to be dismissed as coincidence. Whoever is behind the one is probably behind the other, and that means the guys brining in that drug shipment are probably going to have some "big guns." Dragon Fist is going to need help on this one.

"Do you need a lift to the museum?" he asks Mark.

"Uh, sure. I was going to ride the bus in, but if you want to drive... well I'm certainly not going to refuse a free ride. Why the sudden generosity?"

"Oh, I want to talk with Cassandra. This "Red Dragon" craze has got me a bit concerned, and its really hitting hard here in Chinatown. Having a real, live superhero help out could make a big difference."

"What about this "Dragon Foot" guy? Doesn't he hang out here?"

Matthew winces inwardly. "That's Dragon Fist, and I'm sure he'd be grateful for some help. If I ever see him, I'll ask him too."

"You're not going to "play hero" are you?" asks Mark.

Better change the subject fast. "Look who's talking, Mr. "Attack-the-Giant-Viper-Robot!" However, if either one of us wants to ever aspire to herodom, we've got to practice. We'd better hurry or I'll be late for my morning spar. Coming?" 

"You're spending a day off from work practicing? Like I said, weird but good. Sure, I could use some work on that leg sweep."

Matthew dumped their bowls in the sink as they headed out the door. "Now, remember Mark, it's foot forward on the sweep, otherwise you'll..."

Getting hold of Cassie proved harder than Matthew had thought, though they set up a meeting time for late in the afternoon. "I can't make it until then," she says apologetically on the phone. "I'm on my way back from the funeral now. Bring your costume, because I think I know someone else we need to talk to." Mark stays only long enough to do minor filing and to get his schedule for the following week; Sarah was due to pick him up at the museum at 5 - they were going over to her father's house for dinner.

"They're getting serious," Cassie tells Matthew after Mark leaves. "They see each other every day now, and she drops him off in the mornings now more often than not." 

Cassie looks tired and sad, Matthew notices, and as though she's been losing weight. Before he can say anything, she says, "I hope you don't mind, but I invited Starlight - she's a local paranormal that Dr. Gardner vouched for - to speak to us. I wasn't able to get a hold of Protector, though." 

"And Knightblade, well, I'm sure you've been reading the papers. I have no idea where he has disappeared to. Compound that with some other things and it doesn't look good. PRIMUS was upset with him to begin with. This doesn't help matters."

Outside the de Young museum, the wind whips the rain until it's painful and impossible to see further than ten feet ahead. Starlight lands gracefully in front of the scaffolding where the new tower is being constructed, and the multi-colored light generated from her flight dissipates into the darkness. 

Things certainly have changed here in the past weeks, she realizes. Knightblade's disappearance - and the subsequent investigations which have revealed that millions of dollars were transferred into his bank account months before the mech's attack. It was now publicly known that Knightblade and Dr. Tyler McBain were one and the same. The Monday Chronicle had run a story which quoted an unnamed PRIMUS source as saying the mech's arsenal couldn't have been built without those stolen components - and that Knightblade had the technical expertise to have designed it. Helena Amory had been questioned time and again by the police, PRIMUS and the FBI, but hadn't been able to give McBain's whereabouts. Now taking a personal leave of absence, Amory wasn't due back until the beginning of spring quarter, and Lisa was left with a few residents to pick up the slack at work.

Chain link fence surrounds the building, and while Starlight had read in the newspaper that nearly all of the exhibits had been taken down and removed to a secure location, there is a security guard standing at the entrance. "Oh, just go right in, Miss Starlight. Miss Cassie's expecting you," the elderly man calls out. "Just go through the courtyard and to the right. Her's is the second office on the left. Can't miss it!" 

Cassandra Salvatore's office is just where the guard said it would be, and inside Starlight hears talking. "No, don't worry about Charlie saying anything. I healed his niece's broken arm last week, and he's promised me the moon and the stars - as well as not mentioning our meeting to the Board of Directors or the press. His wife even baked me gingerbread men yesterday! Besides, I just can't stand going out to eat anymore - someone's always staring at me or following me home."

"Oh, Starlight, I'm so glad you could make it after all," Cassie exclaims, seeing the spandex-clad heroine step through the door. "I know that Dr. Gardner wasn't sure if she'd be able to get hold of you in time for our meeting, but I'm happy to meet you," she says, holding out her hand. 

Starlight shakes Cassie's hand; they both notice a strange tingling in their own hand.

"I'd like for you to meet Dragon Fist," she says, gesturing to the serious looking, green-clad man seated on a stuffed chair in front of a picture of Elvis, a comical sight. 

"If you and Dr. Gardner vouch for her, then I welcome her help." Matthew takes a closer look at Cassie. "Mark said that you went to a funeral earlier. If you don't mind me asking, who was it for?"

"A very good friend, Ralph, died. I don't think you ever met him, but he was very special," she says, her voice cracking. "If he hadn't helped us, I don't know if we could have solved those kidnappings a few months back. He got injured in a fight with these 100-foot worms and never really recovered."

"I offer you my deepest sympathies." Matthew bows his head slightly and shuts his eyes for a brief moment in silent prayer. "How are _you_ doing? So many shocks and troubles in such a short time is a heavy burden to carry - even for a superhero. If there's anything I can do, however trivial, please, don't hesitate to let me know."

"Thank you, it has been tough, but hopefully things will get better here," Cassie says, smiling. "Would you like something to drink? Coffee, tea, a soda?" Cassie asks. "I couldn't get hold of Protector, but I'll try to reach him again later tonight. Dragon Fist said he had some information to relate to all of us. "

"I would really like a soda and six sugars." Starlight answers. Cassie notices that she doesn't even taste the soda before adding the sugar.

Dragon Fist smoothly flows to his feet and bows. "It's an honor to meet you." The green scales on his jacket glisten in the soft light cast by a reading lamp. The hero's brilliant green eyes appraise Starlight from behind his mask. Wow. Are all superheroines stunningly beautiful? First Cassie, now Starlight - that makes it two for two that I've met. And if she's anything like Cassie, her ideals and personality will match. If Grandfather knew the caliber of the ladies that I work with I'd never hear the end of it. 

Starlight bows at Dragon Fist. "It's an honor to meet the man known as Dragon Fist." Scintillating color surrounds her green eyes in a mask-like shape. Why is he staring at me like that? He's probably doesn't think I'm qualified to be a superhero, I'll have to prove him wrong.

"This drug, Red Dragon, has me very worried," says Matthew, sitting back into his chair. "It's swept the city so quickly, and is hitting us particularly hard in Chinatown. However, there is some good news: I have a lead on the distribution network." 

"A friend of mine discovered that a shipment of the drug is arriving tonight at the old Alameda Naval Air Station. I don't have a time, I'm afraid, but I doubt it will be before dark. I intend to be there, and I'd appreciate your help."

"No problem," Cassie says. "We should plan this stake-out. I'd like to know what were getting into. Could you describe the area for me?"

"The Cyberline-like characteristics of the drug, and the rumors of VIPER weaponry in gang hands lead me to believe that VIPER may be heavily involved in this business. That means this won't be easy, but we do have a chance at some payback..." 

"Do you think we should notify PRIMUS?" Cassie asks. "If they are using VIPER weaponry, PRIMUS will probably interested." 

Dragon Fist ponders this for a bit, then slowly nods his head. "With all the recent anti-paranormal hype, I'm not certain how PRIMUS feels about independent superheroes. Still, it would be nice to have the authorities on our side - and maybe we can earn some good credit with them."

And if "Red Dragon" is linked to Cyberline, Dragon Fist thinks to himself, then PRIMUS should jump at the chance to track down its distributors.

"Is there anyway we can leave a message for Protector? We could really use his help, and I'm certain he'd want in on this." 

"Protector won't be here, he's out of the state," Cassie adds. "You know, I bet Silver Avenger Maria Chow is still working at this time of night," Cassie says, tapping the phone. "Maybe we should talk to her. PRIMUS base is at the Presidio. It's just a teleport away...."

"Good idea. Let's give her a call," responds Dragon Fist. He drums his fingers on the arm of his chair. "You know," he announces, "I bet PRIMUS will have maps of Alameda. They'd be a great help in planning this."

"I've got her phone number some where in here," Cassie says, rummaging through her desk. "Maybe under those files..." Books cascade off the desk.

"Wait a minute, here it is," Cassie lifts up the phone's receiver. "I taped it to the phone so I wouldn't lose it." 

"You know it always takes forever for the phone to ring at PRIMUS," Cassie says, covering the receiver's mouthpiece. "I've always wondered if they are tracing the call automatically. It's ringing."

After voice verification and about five minutes on hold, Maria Chow answers. "Chow here," she says.

"Hi, Maria, this is Cassie Salvatore, Odyssey, I was calling because Dragon Fist stopped by my office and he has some interesting information about that new drug called Red Dragon. It has a lot of similarities to Cyberline and is flooding the city's drug market. Plus it appears VIPER may involved in the drug's distribution along with the city's street gangs. He has more information. I thought you might be interested. Do you think we could come over to your office right now? I have Dragon Fist and Starlight in my office right now. We could be at the Presidio in seconds." 

"Sure," she says. "Don't try to teleport into the building, though - we have some keen new security that would make that a very bad idea. I'll tell the boys to meet you all out front."

"OK, we'll see you in a few minutes." Cassie hangs up the phone.

"Why don't I just teleport all of us to the walkway in front of PRIMUS HQ? That will save walking time."

"Yes, that would be a lot faster and less stringent than flying everyone," Starlight agrees. 

A yellow aura, like pollen on a spring day forms around Dragon Fist, Starlight and Odyssey. The golden glow intensifies for a few seconds and then recedes. Even though Starlight agrees to transport, her forcefield suddenly turns on and seems to hiss loudly during the spell. Afterwards the forcefield slowly fades off.

As it clears, Dragon Fist and Starlight can see they are about 50 feet in front of PRIMUS HQ.

"Looks like we're here and all in one piece. No one is missing any pieces, right?" Cassie asks in a joking manner. 

Dragon Fist feels a strange sensation as the golden aura fades. Its almost as if he was changing... but something is wrong. He feels cramped, stretched, then the sensation blossoms into excruciating pain. The stunned hero falls to his knees clutching his head with both hands. Inside his mind, the Dragon also yowls in agony. 

"Ohmigod! Dragon Fist. Are you OK?" Cassie yells. Now that's a stupid question, part of her thinks. If the man was OK would he be clutching his head?

"I... I'm OK." Dragon Fist slowly gets to his feet, although he looks shaken. "I don't know what happened, but I think it's passing now."

Grandfather never told me of anything like this! Hello? Are you there? Dragon Fist calls to the presence within him, but silence is his only answer. Looking down, Dragon Fist notices that the red sash is missing from his costume. The hero takes note, but for the moment, dismisses it as another aspect of his strange and painful experience.

"I'm so sorry!" Cassie gasps. "I've never had anyone react this way to a teleport. Let me help." A golden glow forms around her hands. Dragon Fist nods his assent and a golden light similar to the teleport surrounds Dragon Fist, but instead of pain this radiates a warm feeling not unlike sitting down with a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter day. The aching feeling leeches out of his muscles and he sense of refreshment fills him.

Outside the redwood and glass structure, water drips through the tree canopy and onto the heroes. Two Iron Guardsmen stand watch in front of the doors, and a PRIMUS agent, dressed in a dark suit and overcoat bursts through the glass doors and towards the heroes. 

"I'm Agent Gonzales," he says as he reaches the group. "Silver Avenger Chow said you'd be coming? If you'd all follow me." 

The front desk has PRIMUS visitor passes ready for the group, and Agent Gonzales then gestures them forward. As he leads them through the labyrinthine passageways - most of the PRIMUS base is located underground - he says, "I've been spearheading the investigation into the VIPER connection to Red Dragon and coordinating our efforts with the FBI, DEA and San Francisco Police. We've reached an impasse and we appreciate you coming forward with information." 

He leads them into a large room with a long table down its length. Silver Avenger Chow is seated at the head of the table, near the door which opens into her cluttered office. On either side of her sit two men. The man on her right is wearing a PRIMUS visitor's pass, and is quickly introduced as Special Agent Whitman from the FBI. The man on her left, also wearing a PRIMUS visitor's pass, is a balding man in his late forties. He introduces himself as Sergeant Anderson from SFPD. 

The Silver Avenger brushes a stray lock of hair out of her face before gesturing for the group to sit. "Thank you for coming," she says, nodding to Odyssey, and quickly shaking hands with Starlight and Dragon Fist. "You have impeccable timing. What is it that you've heard?"

Dragon Fist still looks a bit pale, more from shock than from actual pain. "Um.. Well, a friend of mine has a child who is addicted to Red Dragon. He learned of a shipment due to arrive tonight at the abandoned Alameda Naval Air Station. I've heard the rumors about the drug's effects, and the rumored tie-in to Cyberline. I've also heard rumors of VIPER weapons in gang hands. This drug craze seems right up their alley... I thought you'd be interested."

Silver Avenger Chow nods slowly while the hero speaks. "That would make sense, if they're using NAS Alameda," she says. "And it would explain why we haven't seen the increase in gang activity at the waterfront, like your people noticed, Sergeant Anderson. Using Alameda is perfect, because the Navy is still dismantling and the place is chaos. Alameda police wouldn't know what they'd be looking for, either, since they aren't familiar with the area. And they probably wouldn't notice, anyway, knowing Alameda police." Sergeant Anderson laughs, while Special Agent Whitman coughs to cover a smile.

"OK, Gonzales," she says. "It's your party, so you and Agent Whitman have a ball. Get those teams out there, and I'll be along shortly, in case there's a problem. Sorry to leave you out of this one, Harry," she says to the SFPD Sergeant, "Perhaps next time, eh?" 

"You all - Guardians, or whatever the heck the Examiner calls you - you want to come along for the ride and observe? It was your tip, after all."

"Wild horses couldn't keep me away," Odyssey says, banging her hands on the table. "Besides, maybe we can help. If nothing else, I'm good as a paramedic. And there is NO WAY I'm going to let VIPER get their hooks into more people with this new drug." 

"My sentiments exactly." There's a dangerous gleam in Dragon Fist's eyes now.

To be continued...

PBEM Turns